by Marissa Begley | Nov 1, 2016 | Recycling Explained
Costumes (Masks, Clothes And Fabric) Are Not Recyclable In Your Bin. Why Not? Masks are made up of many different materials and types of plastics that are not recyclable (think plastic bottles, tubs and jugs – very different than your rubber mask). Same goes for...
by Marissa Begley | Oct 24, 2016 | Recycling Explained
Can you recycle candy wrappers? No. Why Not: Candy wrappers are extremely difficult to recycle because of their size, weight and material mixture. What To Do Instead: The most convenient option is to throw your wrappers in the trash, but another option is to...
by Marissa Begley | Oct 17, 2016 | Recycling Explained
Many people think paper towels, napkins and tissues are recyclable. If you are one of them, you’re not alone. Even if they’re not used, slightly used, or covered in muck… the answer is always the same: No. Let us tell you why: 1. They may have...