City of Sioux Falls Recycling Taskforce

Community Recycling News

Over the past year, the City of Sioux Falls formed a recycling taskforce to tackle the dropping recycling rate. They investigated factors like consumer behavior, multifamily housing, and landfill rates, pinpointing multi-housing and commercial businesses as having the most potential for improvement.

At the recent Solid Waste Planning Board meeting, the board approved the task force’s final report. The recommendations included ramping up education and outreach, reviewing recycling rules, and considering updates to City recycling standards and incentives. For full details, check out the full report here.

During the meeting, the City of Sioux Falls also pledged to go bagless at all its facilities by November 1st, adopting a one-to-one bin ratio for garbage and recycling to lead by example. If you have questions on best practices to help your commercial customers go bagless, we encourage you to reach out to the City.