We’ve talked about what to do with all your lawn and garden waste (leaves, grass, branches, mulch) – Now let’s cover the leftover containers and supplies.
Potting Soil Bags – NO – Not recyclable in single stream (usually covered in dirt and no current recycling markets).
Planting Pots & Trays– NO – (All types) Not recyclable in single stream. These are usually too filthy to recycle and very limited recycling markets for this type of plastic. Check with the store or manufacturer if they offer a takeback program for reuse or separated recycling.
Ceramic Pots – NO – Not recyclable in single stream. If in good condition, please donate to local thrift stores or charities instead.
Yard & Garden Tools – NO – Garden Hoses, Weed Eaters, Trimmers or Wackers, Wire or String, Sprinklers, Sprinkler Pipe, Lawn Edging, Plastic Tools, Mower Blades, Garden Shears, Loppers, Shovels, Trowels, Rakes, Gloves, Boots, etc are NOT recyclable in the single stream and cause major issues when they get in the equipment.
Some items may be recyclable if delivered separately, please contact us with specific questions on materials outside of the single stream categories
If we missed any lawn or garden supplies you still have questions on, please let us know! Ask us on our Facebook page or send us a message– We’re here to help.