Spring Cleaning: The Ultimate Guide

Recycling Explained

As you’re cleaning out your shed, basement or garage, don’t just toss it all into the trash or recycling bins:

How to properly get rid of almost anything in Sioux Falls:

In the Recycling Bin

SINGLE STREAM ITEMS ONLY! Recycle single stream items in your recycling bin at home, or drop off for free at Millennium Recycling’s free public recycling dumpster.

Items Accepted 
• Plastic Bottles, Tubs and Jugs
• Glass Bottles And Jars (*NOTICE* Glass is not accepted by all haulers or cities, check with your service provider for requirements)
• Steel, Tin And Aluminum Cans
• Paper
• Cardboard & Cartons
• Shredded Paper (Must Be Bagged)


Appliances, Mattresses & Scrap Metal

The Sioux Falls Regional Sanitary Landfill (SFRSL) accepts many different items for recycling that can’t go in your bin. Watch your mail for the annual free pass! For information on recycling at the landfill, call 605-367-8162 or visit www.siouxfalls.org/landfill.

Accepted at the Landfill for Recycling
• Large Appliances (Refrigerators, Stoves, Microwaves, Freezers, Dishwashers, Laundry Washers and Dryers, Hot Water Heaters, Water Softeners)
• Mattresses and Box-springs
• Scrap Metal, including metal cookware and license plates
• Lawn Mowers and weed trimmers (can be discarded with scrap metal if drained of fuel and oil)
• Tires

Other Scrap Metal Recycling
TJN Enterprises
R & T Unit Can Company

Gardening, Yard Waste & Scrap Wood

Lawn And Garden Supplies

Some items may be recyclable if delivered separately, please contact us with specific questions on materials outside of the single stream categories

• Potting Soil Bags – Not recyclable in single stream (usually covered in dirt and no current recycling markets). Check with the store or manufacturer if they offer a takeback program for reuse or separated recycling.

• Planting Pots & Trays– (All types) Not recyclable in single stream. These are usually too filthy to recycle and very limited recycling markets for this type of plastic. Check with the store or manufacturer if they offer a takeback program for reuse or separated recycling.

• Ceramic Pots – Not recyclable in single stream. If in good condition, please donate to local thrift stores or charities instead.

• Yard & Garden Tools – Garden Hoses, Weed Eaters, Trimmers or Wackers, Wire or String, Sprinklers, Sprinkler Pipe, Lawn Edging, Plastic Tools, Mower Blades, Garden Shears, Loppers, Shovels, Trowels, Rakes, Gloves, Boots, etc are NOT recyclable in the single stream and cause major issues when they get in the equipment.

Mulch, grass clippings, weeds, garden debris, leaves, branches and twigs:

Landfill Wood Waste Recycling
• Accepted: Leaves, Grass and Garden Waste only
Not Accepted: Pet Waste or Wood Waste
Details: Load your yard waste into reusable containers at home and bring to the landfill or seasonal drop off locations and the attendant will direct you to the compost location. Plastic bags must be emptied and removed, paper yard waste bags can be left in-tact with your yard waste. Keep any wood waste such as branches and twigs separate.
More Info: Call 605-367-8276 or visit  www.siouxfalls.org/landfill

City Of Sioux Falls Composting Program
• Accepted: Branches and Brush, including Mulch, and Pine Cones
• Details: Bring to the Sioux Falls Regional landfill or seasonal drop off locations and the attendant will direct you to the wood, tree and brush pile area.
• More Info: Call 605-367-8162

Other Wood Recycling (Specialized Company)
• Accepted: Trees and limbs, Old pallets, Dimension lumber scraps, Demolition lumber
• Details: Mueller Pallets creates products that ultimately biodegrade into soil or generate clean, affordable energy. They will take almost ANY wood that you would otherwise transport to a landfill, at no cost if your quantities are significant. Spotted trailers, pickups and drop off options are all available.
• More Info: Call 605-368-2440 or visit www.mpallets.com

Waste Hauler Pickup:  
Many Sioux Falls waste haulers offer yard waste pickup services. Contact your current hauler for pickup service information or find a hauler who can help you in the Sioux Falls Waste Hauler Directory.


Cleaners, Chemicals, Hazardous Waste & Residential Electronics

Residential household hazardous waste and electronics can be dropped off for free a the City of Sioux Falls Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Facility at 1015 East Chambers Street. For more information, call 605-367-8695 or visit www.siouxfalls.org/disposal

Accepted HHW Items:
• Gasoline, Fuels
• Cleaning Solvents, Oils
• Herbicides and Pesticides
• Mercury Thermometers
• Paints
• Household Electronics (Cell phones, calculators, cameras, computers, monitors, printers, televisions, VCR’s or other electronic devices)

Needles and Sharps Disposal

Free Sharps Drop-off locations are conveniently located throughout Sioux Falls for safe disposal of needles, syringes, lancets, or other sharps. Call 605-367-8276 or visit https://www.siouxfalls.org/public-works/environmental-recycling-hazardous/green/recycling/needles.aspx with any questions. Pickup free sharps containers and exchange them when full at the following locations:

• All Lewis Drug Stores in Sioux Falls
• All HyVee pharmacies in Sioux Falls


Pharmaceuticals & Unused Medication

If flushed down the drain, pharmaceuticals can accumulate in water systems and contaminate water supplies, potentially affecting the natural hormones and development of wildlife. The Sioux Falls Police Department offers a “Drug Take Back” program. This program allows citizens to drop off unused medications in a locked container in the lobby of the Law Enforcement Center from 6 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. For more information visit www.siouxfalls.org/public-works/environmental-recycling-hazardous/green/recycling/pharmaceuticals.aspx

Neighborhood Cleanups

Project NICE and Project KEEP clean ups are provided by the City of Sioux Falls completely free of charge. If your neighborhood is selected for either of these projects, you will be notified by mail. Residents in designated NICE/KEEP neighborhoods place all unwanted and nuisance items at their curb for the City to collect and dispose of for free. If you have any questions call  the Sioux Falls Health Department at 367-8760 or check out the web page with this year’s maps at siouxfalls.org/en/code-enforcement/nice-keep.


Items Accepted
• Waste Materials
• Appliances
• Tires
• Yard Waste
• Lumber and Wood Products
• Scrap Iron
• Household Items (Furniture, Bedding, etc.)

Items NOT Accepted
• Hazardous wastes including but not limited to: Paints,Solvents, Oil, Batteries, Fuels
• Electronics
• Compressed Gas Cylinders
• Raw Household Garbage
• Animal Waste
• Vehicles


Electronics (Residential)

Sioux Falls residents can bring electronics to the Sioux Falls Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) facility for FREE .

For information, visit their website or call them at (605) 367-8695.

Any Business generated electronics or items not accepted at the HHW facility can be brought to SEAM .

Business Electronic Equipment

Business electronics or others that aren’t accepted at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility can be recycled at SEAM in Sioux Falls. SEAM is the only company in all of the Dakotas certified to securely and safely recycle electronic equipment. They offer certified electronics recycling and data destruction including hard drive shredding and hard drive wiping.
Call 605-274-7326 or visit www.seamservices.com for more information.

Furniture and Other Misc. Household Items (Clothing, Textiles, etc)

There are many options in Sioux Falls for donating your gently used items. Below is a list of a few programs and what they accept:

Furniture Mission – Accepts: Clean Mattresses & Box Springs, Bed Frames, Crib Mattresses, Bedding (Quilts, Blankets, Sheets, Pillows), Kitchen Tables & Chairs, Couches & Love Seats, Coffee Tables & End Tables, Dressers & Chests, Rockers & Recliners, Pots, Pans, Dishes & Utensils, Microwaves, Small TV’s (19-37 inch only), Towels & Rugs, Lamps, Decor Items, Small Appliances. Call 605-977-6800 or visit furnituremission.org/donate for more information.

Habitat for Humanity ReStore – Accepts: Working Appliances, Blinds, Cabinets, Countertops, Ceiling Fans, Doors, Electrical Parts, Flooring, Hardware, Lighting, Lumber (Plywood, Sheetrock, Trim), Mirrors, Pipe (PVC, Metal, Copper), Plumbing Fixtures (Tubs, Sinks, Showers, Toilets), Roofing Material (Shingles, Gutters), Tools (Lawn and Garden Equipment),  Windows, Screens. Call  605-330-1950 or visit http://siouxfallshabitat.org/restore/items-we-accept-and-sell/ for more information.

Local Thrift Stores and Charities – There are many other local charities and thrift shops that accept donations, check them out before you dump anything in the trash!


Hard-to-recycle waste (Mail-In TerraCycle Programs)

TerraCyle offers mail-in recycling programs for typically hard-to-recycle waste. Check out their website to find solutions for the following items and more!


Zero Waste Box Programs ($)


Did we miss an option for an easy disposal outlet in Sioux Falls? Let us know! If you don’t see what you’re looking for, just ask us