Keep it Loose!
Mixed Recycling should be placed LOOSE inside your bin… NOT bagged.
Why loose? Our equipment sorts items by type, and they must go through the process loose for the equipment to “see” them. If anything comes in bagged, we have to rip it open by hand to see what’s inside and get the materials out.
We really don’t like black or solid colored bags- we have no clue what’s inside. Imagine ripping open a bag full of pet waste, wet leaves, or diapers! Trust us, it’s not pleasant.
Loose materials also help haulers and recycling staff see items in the bin right away to pull out any non-recyclables as soon as possible.
For items that need to be bagged, like shredded paper, we ask you to use clear bags so we can quickly identify what’s inside and pull it out.
- Paper: Office paper, newspaper, brown paper bags, envelopes, magazines, flyers, junk mail, brochures, catalogs, paper cups, and small quantities of paperback books or phone books
- Cardboard and cartons: Corrugated cardboard boxes, brown paper bags, paper egg cartons, paperboard boxes, paper take-out containers, coffee cup sleeves, cereal boxes, tissue boxes, paper cups, milk and juice cartons
- Plastic bottles, tubs and jugs: Soda, water, juice, detergent, shampoo, lotion bottles, milk jugs, margarine and yogurt tubs
- Metal Cans: Soup, Tuna, Soda, Beer, Vegetable Cans. Empty Aerosol Cans if completely empty of contents. Aluminum foil and trays.
- Glass bottles and jars: Jam, pickle, pasta sauce, baby food jars, olive oil, beer, wine, ketchup bottles (Glass is not accepted by all haulers or cities)
- Learn more about mixed recycling “Yes Items”: here
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Have something you’re not sure about? Use our handy Where Do I Take This tool to search the database of local places you can recycle almost anything! If you don’t see what you’re looking for, just ask us! For commercial generators, we will accept bagged materials if needed – we just ask that you use clear bags so we can see what’s inside.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]