Sioux Falls ahead of the Curve: Cardboard Ban

Community Recycling News

Lincoln, Nebraska has recently made national headlinesby taking a huge step to increase recycling and banning cardboard from their landfill. As a city that has had a cardboard ban in place for years, Sioux Falls is way ahead of the curve!

Do you know what else is banned from the Sioux Falls landfill?

Let’s review the city ordinance:

“Any person bringing material for deposit at the landfill, upon entry onto the landfill premises, authorizes the city to inspect the material before deposit. If excluded materials are discovered during the inspection, the city may refuse the entire load and charge the person attempting to deposit the materials the cost of the inspection.”


The following materials are not accepted at the landfill and should be recycled in the Single Stream:
  • Office paper
  • Corrugated cardboard and chip board
  • Plastic containers #1 and #2
  • Metal containers
  • Magazines
  • Newspaper
  • Bulk-rate mail