Millennium does NOT accept TVs.

Recycling Explained

Did you know it’s illegal to throw televisions in your Sioux Falls trash bin?  More specifically, all “large and hand-held electronics” are not allowed in the landfill according to the Sioux Falls Garbage and Recycling Ordinance CH 57.505. So what should you do with them?

TVs are NOT accepted at Millennium Recycling or allowed in your single stream recycling bin (Learn why here).

If you’re a resident, you can recycle them for FREE at the Sioux Falls Household Hazardous Waste facility. For any items they don’t accept (i.e. residential limits or business equipment), you can bring your electronics to SEAM for certified electronics recycling, located right up the hill from the HHW facility.

If your TV is still functional, check with local thrift stores or charities. Some may not accept large or old TVs, so be sure to check before hauling it there.