Earth Day is celebrated around the world every year on April 22 to support environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, it is now celebrated in more than 192 countries!
Here are 10 ideas on how you can celebrate Earth Day every day right here in Sioux Falls!
- Tell Elected Officials how Important Recycling is to You. When supported by community level officials, recycling programs are more likely to succeed. Check out these tools from the EPA on building support from Elected Officials.
- Volunteer with the Ecomaniacs. Organizations of all types can volunteer with the Ecomaniacs to pick up litter and spread the recycling message at local events like Ribfest, Hot Harley Nights and JazzFest! Find more information on the Ecomaniacs here.
- Recycle More at Home. Ask for a bigger recycling bin from your hauler. Sioux Falls waste haulers are all targeting a recycling goal of 23.6% this year and are happy to help residents recycle more. Check out the Sioux Falls Waste Hauler Directory to find responsible providers in the community.
- Compost at Home. Composting requires very little work and resources and it has a huge positive impact on the environment. Instead of throwing food waste into your garbage to rot, start a fun project at home that not only reduces landfill waste, but creates excellent new resources to fuel your garden! See the EPA’s guide on backyard composting here. You can also check out these guides from Morning Chores and BackyardBoss
- Start a Neighborhood Cleanup Crew. Want a fun way to get to know your neighbors and get your neighborhood in tip top shape? Form a clean up crew to walk around your neighborhood and pick up trash. Recruit new neighbors who are working on their lawn or walking their pets. You may be surprised how many people get excited about keeping the community litter free and meeting new people!
- Donate Clothes & Toys to Thrift Shops. Macklemore may have made thrift shopping cool, but donating your used clothes and toys is even cooler! If you mistakenly throw these items in the recycling bin they will likely still end up in the landfill. After being mixed with other items in the recycling stream they are usually too contaminated to be reused. If you want them to be reused, make sure you donate them. You can even get a tax write off!
- Recycle your E-Waste. With new technology coming out every day, electronic waste is growing three times faster than any other waste stream! Do your part to recycle your old equipment with a certified recycler who does things the right way. Not only will you be protecting the environment, but R2 and e-Stewards certified recyclers also make sure your data is protected. If you are a Sioux Falls resident, you can recycle most household electronics for free at the city’s HHW facility. The city has made it a priority to use a certified recycling vendor. If you’re a business or have an item they will not accept, you can bring your devices directly to SEAM for recycling.
- Recycle in Public. When you go to the store, to the park, or even to church, do you see recycling bins? Sometimes all it takes is a question to get a recycling program going. If you don’t see recycling bins at a community, public, or private organization you’re visiting, ask them if they recycle. If they do, request that they provide recycling bins in the open areas to get more people to recycle. If they don’t, request that they do! They can Contact Us or work with their waste hauler to start recycling at their organization!
- Recycle at Work. Recycling in the workplace results in saving energy, reducing emissions and landfills, conserving natural resources and generating employment opportunities. If your place of business doesn’t recycle or you’re not sure, ask around. The recycling program is usually managed by the janitorial or facilities staff. If you need help getting started, schedule a FREE Waste Stream Review with Millennium Recycling!
- Become a Recycling Expert. If you know what to put in and keep out of the recycling bin, that’s what we at Millennium call a Recycling Expert! Educate yourself on what you can put in your Single Stream bin at home, what you can take to the city, and what you should take to the landfill. Many people are often confused about where things go. We’ve created a handy tool for you to see where different types of materials should be taken when ready to be recycled or disposed. Check out our Where Do I Take This? tool to educate yourself, so you can educate others. The more recycling experts we have in Sioux Falls the better!